Survey Says…

\"TAHUTAHU received 131 responses to our recent survey. Were you one of them? If so, please know that we appreciate your input.

The Texas Association of Health Underwriters wants to be your Association, and this is how we plan to meet the needs of our membership. Your responses are now being summarized to be reviewed both at the next State Board Meeting and at our Strategic Planning Session in June. We will also be passing the information along to your local chapter.

As promised, we have drawn three names to receive a $100 American Express Gift Card. Congratulations to:

$$ Shalyn Trantham of Ft Worth $$

$$ Deborah Martin of East Texas $$

$$ Marc Blevens of Houston $$

Surveys are like voting, it is always important to let your voice be heard. Even though it is sometimes hard to take the time out of your day, you have to remember that these 131 people are now determining some of the future goals of your Association.

Do you have an idea? Do you have a thought as to how “we could do it better?” Well, all is not lost. Please know that you can contact us at any time. Go to our website at and you can visit the board of directors link with their contact information. We also encourage you to get involved at your local Association. Review your strengths and offer them up to your Association!

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